
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Back in action!

I'm back! 

I know it's been forever, and I'm sorry but life has been complete madness. And now that I finally have a grip on things, my blog game will be back on point. Since I've been away, here's some things you guys should know (be prepared, this will be a long, catch up post)

1. We're having another BOY! We are so completely and utterly thrilled about this and couldn't be more blessed! We're so happy that Easton will have a built in best bud and partner in crime! 

2. This pregnancy has been complete and utter madness. As most of you know, my pregnancy with Easton was a walk in the park, that is, until I hit 33 weeks and Preclampsia hit me right smack dab in the face. I ended up getting admitted to the hospital indefinitely due to extremely high traces of protein in my urine, uncontrollable high blood pressure, and lots of swelling. I ended up getting induced early, and after three days and over 60 hours later, we welcomed Easton into the world. After I delivered though, we discovered that my placenta had detached and began to deteriorate during labor, and that when easton made his (very early) grand appearance, he had very little blood left in his cord. Therefore, we couldn't bank his cord blood like we had planned. All of this has caused lots of caution with my current pregnancy. It's proven that if you are diagnosed with Preclampsia during your first pregnancy, you are naturally predisposed to get it again, and earlier on. Right now, I'm seven months (exactly 29 weeks as of yesterday) and the signs are already showing. I failed two seperate one-hour glucose tests and had to fast for three days and took a three-hour glucose tolerance test yesterday. I now have to check my blood pressure daily at home, and the past week it has slowly started creeping up. I saw my doctor this past Tuesday, and will see him again next week for weekly appointments from here on out. My urine tests are beginning to show traces of protein and my feet are starting to swell. I am now in the beginning stages of Preclampsia. Although my original due date isn't until August 22nd, my doctor has confidently reassured me that he will be shocked if I make it to the end of July. People might think I'm crazy but I pray to get induced again. The thought of going into labor naturally, at home (or anywhere for that matter) scares me. Sign me up for an induction time and let's do it! With how bad my Preclampsia got in the middle of January, I could only imagine how it will be in Michigan in the middle of the summer. The heat does crazy things to your body. But we will see. This pregnancy is giving me a run for my money, but it's a beautiful thing! 

3. My dad is doing much better! He is still on dialysis three days a week but I can tell he is feeling much better. His vision is getting better (thankfully) after all of his surgeries, and he now has glasses. It's not back to 100% and he can't read small print, but it's getting better and we are taking it day by day. 

4. Easton is getting so big! He's now 16 months, and wild! He's over the charts for his height, but he's still my tiny guy weighing in at only 20.6 pounds. He now says "mama, dada, youse (juice), puff (for puff snacks), baba, ilk (milk), up, hi, and oggie (doggie)". He is almost at a full-blown run but sometimes his legs are quicker than the rest of his body. He can now crawl up the stairs, so baby gates are in full force. He gets up and down on the couch and chairs all by himself, and sometimes he tests my patience by running from one end of the sectional to the other. He loves food! Especially steak, ham, sausage, yogurt, cookies, tomatoes, animal crackers, pasta, pickles, pancakes, and so much more! He eats so well! He loves playing with any kind of truck or car, and he recently got a new ball pit that he's obsessed with! He also got a power wheels four wheeler and he loves that too! He likes playing outside and loves going for walks! He still loves Mickey Mouse, and lately he's been obsessed with 101 Dalmations. As much as I would like to say a dog isn't in our near future, I have a feeling that won't be the case because this kid LOVES dogs! He sleeps through the night in his crib (one side is down and is pushed against our bed - so "technically" he's still co-sleeping but he goes down in his crib and sleeps on his side the whole night) and he takes two naps a day. He's "talking" and learning and growing so much; we're so proud! 

5. This upcoming Monday will be our last day of Easton's first swimming class! He loves it! He does so great and has made so many new friends! We won't be able to take the next series of class's because of my current pregnancy state, but we will be starting back up again in September. 

There's probably so much more to fill you guys in on but pregnancy brain is getting the best of me! Hopefully tomorrow and early next week, I will be doing some video reviews of our new double stroller, our new double diaper bag, our new baby swing, and some other things! So keep an eye out for that! Surprisingly, I just wrote this whole post while we're driving to run errands so as you guys can tell, I am finding creative ways to write in my crazy, everyday life! Family pictures and maternity pictures will be an upcoming post too! We have a wedding tonight but tomorrow I'll be posting more! 

Tune in! 
Christine :)

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