
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hospital bag.... Check!

I may just be the worst procrastinator when it comes to certain things. Back in high school, I never put off a paper or homework but I dreaded folding a load of laundry (who am I kidding? I STILL dread folding laundry). I will scrub the kitchen and play room from top to bottom three times a day, but leave my closet a disaster for a good week. Some things I jump on the ball with and others, not so much. My hospital bag happens to be one of those things. 

When I was pregnant with Easton, I shopped and packed my hospital all on a Sunday; and good thing I did because I went to the hospital that Tuesday. This time around I am slacking. My doctor told me two weeks ago that I should start getting prepared. I have done a ton - moved Easton's car seat over and loaded our infant seat and base into my car, put together the new dressers and crib, pack and play is set up, swing is in the box in the living room ready to go (I would have put it together already except I have a curious yet wild toddler and the swing was a pretty penny), clothes are all washed and put away, diapers and wipes are purchased and stocked up, and rhen some. I really have a lot done. But Jake comes home and asks me "did you pack the bags yet?" And every.single.time I say "I will tomorrow". I know, I know, horrible. I did go to the store this past weekend though and I bought everything I needed. Packing the time around is so much easier since this isn't our first time at the rodeo. The first time, I didn't use half of my stuff and ended up calling my mother in law to bring me certain stuff from our house. This time - we will be ready. 

Here's what I have in our bags and some major necessities that we've learned to make sure not to forget! I also just want to say that some of this stuff (certain outfits or makeup and what not) you might not want or need which is totally okay! We are hiring a photographer to capture our birthing story, and while I completely understand that I shouldn't care what I look like during labor or birth, I do care. So I do have some extra things that I wouldn't necessarily need if we weren't having pictures taken non-stop. But here ya go!

My bag:

- Socks / slippers : Even though hospitals are sanitized non stop, germs are everywhere. Cover those toes!
- A comfy outfit (sweats/shorts/zip up/sweatshirt) : I labored a long time before I got my epidural which means I didn't have to stay in one spot. Stay in comfy clothes until you HAVE to be in that ugly hospital gown. 
- Comfy undies for after delivery : I personally like the brand Gilligan & O'Malley from target. They're super soft and stretchy so they especially work during the madness of "post-delivery".
- Robe : my mom bought be a super comfy short knee-length robe from Kohls from Sonoma and it was a savor for me in the hospital; especially when I would nurse. This time around I really wanted to order a silk hospital gown but I waited to long and it takes 6-8 weeks to be made and shipped so that will have to be for next time. But if you have the time then I would definitely do that.
- Two outfits (1. "everyone's going to show up at the hospital to see the little bundle of joy so I should probably look somewhat decent" outfit and 2. "I have to now drive 35 minutes home from the hospital after giving birth so I need to be comfy" outfit.)
- Nursing bras or tanks. No explanation needed.
- Nursing pads : I have disposable ones and cloth ones. I usually use the disposable ones until we get our nursing schedule down, then once I'm home I switch to cloth for convenience. 
- Shampoo / conditioner / body wash / shaving cream / face wash / razor / lotion / tooth brush / tooth paste / deodorant : Even  though the hospital will offer you all of this stuff, it's best to have your own. It's like a little luxury once your in that tiny room for awhile. I use Clinique face products so I picked up my duo in a nice travel size kit so I don't have to bring all my big bottles from home. 
- Extra bathroom goodies (Qtips, toilet paper, nail clippers/file, hair brush, hair ties, hair products, make up, make up remover clothes, Chapstick) : these are just things that are nice to have. 
 * I personally didn't pack any feminine products this time because I packed a ton last time and didn't use any of them because the hospital sends you home with a bunch of stuff and that stuff is free!
* I will also have my regular necessities that are kept on me all the time; my phone, glasses, wallet with my insurance and license and what not. But that is stuff that I'll obviously need before hand so I can't pack it away just yet. 
* I used a Vera Bradley overnight bag and packed my stuff along with the babies stuff in it, and we still have room to spare in there! 

Jakes bag:

- Comfy sweats
- A good pair of tennis shoes (he's a pacer and likes to walk laps)
- A nice outfit for when people come to visit 
- Bathroom goodies : shampoo, body wash, face wash, shaving cream, razor, after shave, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste. 
- Back up phone charger
- Socks / flip flops / crocs
- Laptop with charger : When I was in labor with Easton, we watched 4 different movies on Jakes laptop. This time we will for sure be taking it again. 
- Coffeemate 2 Go : our hospital has a super nice "family" room located in the delivery wing that is specifically for family members to use who are there supporting loved ones in labor. It's basically unlimited coffee. But Jake likes flavored coffee creamer so we picked this up since it's great and you don't have to keep it refrigerated. 
- Teavana traveling tea kit : this isn't necessary for most but for us it is. We are both big tea drinkers. We've had this for a couple years now and it wasn't cheap but it's great! It carries your loose tea and has a tea steeper in it, all in a nice little pouch. 
- Pillows, one for each of us. 
- Phone chargers. 
- Snacks : our hospital has a cafeteria and vending machines and the family room, but sometimes you just need your own snacks. 
* I packed all of Jakes stuff into his North Face backpack since that's what he prefers to use. 


- Easton's gift : I am very nervous and worried about the initial transition from one-to-two. My current little man is a complete Mamas boy and I don't want his feelings hurt at all! So I went shopping and spent a pretty penny on some gifts for him. A couple toys, some books, chocolate and cookies that he's usually not aloud to have, and a custom made new blankey. I also "helped" his little brother out by writing him a sweet card and signing all the gifts from him. Hopefully this will help with any jealousy we might run into while we're at the hospital when they meet each other for the first time. 
- Our photographers gift : A very close friend of mine just so happens to be branching off into her own photography department seperate from her husbands, and she will be doing our birthing shoot. Since life is crazy and hectic (and she has two little ones of her own), I know how much of a commitment this is for her and I wanted to do something nice. Plus, I know how crazy it's going to be getting a random phone call who knows when and just having to pick up and go to a hospital to sit around and wait. Not too much fun for her. So I made her a nice little gift bag filled with snacks and treats and what not to help pass the time and so she knows how thankful I am that she's doing this. 

Baby Necessities:

- 2 white receiving swaddle blankets
- 2 extra swaddling blankets
- 6 outfits : let me explain. Two outfits for the following sizes; premie, newborn, 0-3 month. This is because you never know the size of your baby. I only packed newborn stuff the first time and my mother in law had to go shopping for premie outfits and bring them to us since Easton was so tiny. This time, we have lots of options just to be safe. 
- Pacifier : I knew from the start that I didn't want Easton to have one of those hospital pacifiers and that's because they're impossible to find once you leave the hospital. We bought Easton the Tommee Tippee brand that matched his bottles and it's still the only pacifiers he will use. He's used it since day one. I sanitized it out of the package at home and packed it in bag. We're going the same route with this baby. 
- Pump with a bottle : I use a Tommee Tippee electric breast pump along with the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles. I sanitize everything at home so I know it's clean, then we can use them at the hospital if need be.
- Hats, mittens, socks.
- Bath soap and lotion : We use Aveeno Baby Calming Lavendar Vanilla bath soap and lotion. The hospital will also give you a bottle of soap if you would like. 
- Towel and washcloth: I just like baby to be comfy with his own stuff so I bring a nice, fluffy, washed towel for him to use after his first bath!
- Burp clothes / Bibs
* Our hospital gives you tons of Pampers diapers and wipes in the size you need while you're there and when you head home so I don't worry about bringing that stuff since that's the brand we use. 
* I washed everything in Dreft baby detergent and then organized and labeled outfits and stuff in ziplock bags. I sanitized our bottles and pacifiers. Tommee Tippee names "formula" pods that are suppose to fit one serving of formula in it for easy on-the-go traveling. Well they came in a gift set I got awhile back and I quickly learned that pacifiers fit in them perfectly! 

We do have a couple things that aren't packed (pillows, Jakes computer, and a couple other things) that we can't really pack away just yet. They are things we will grab when we're headed out. Hopefully this is a good guide to any new moms out there who might be worried or stressed about packing their bags! I know I was, but not anymore!



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