
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring has arrived; Mom of 2 Advice & Baby Update!

It's been a little while since I've posted. A viral tornado swept through our house and took myself and Easton out for a solid two weeks. Easton was admitted to Mott's Childrens Hospital and at one point, I was at St. Joes down in Ann Arbor - it was that bad. I wouldn't have wished that sickness on anyone. But thankfully we're over that, the weather is getting much better, and spring is finally here! Our house got a much deserved deep cleaning and disinfecting after our nasty cold battle, and things are looking promising for this upcoming summer. Don't get me wrong, I love a good snowfall. When you look outside your front window and the snow is falling perfectly and it glistens in the street lights. But if it were my ideal world, snow would be gone after January 1st. With the kind of winters we get here in Michigan, I am GLAD that spring is here and the snow has melted. Even though it looks brown and dirty and nasty outside, I'll take it!

It's a couple minutes past 8pm and dinner has been made and ate, dishes are done, bath time is completed, pajamas are on, two more loads of laundry have been done, and a bottle has been warmed up waiting for little man to drink himself into a full-tummy-slumber. It's been one of those days where nothing goes as planned. Easton wanted to be held the entire day, and when he wasn't being held or sleeping, he was screaming to be held. During breakfast, he continued to test me by picking up pieces of food off of his tray, looking right at me, and throwing them on the ground. Then when I would tell him "No" he would cry for three minutes. Then, stop crying and do it all over again. He cried while attempting to go down for a nap, tears streaming and his voice yelling, as his eyes are closed and he's fighting it. He insisted on standing in between my legs screaming while I prepped dinner until I would pick him up, which I had to do in order to even get dinner made. In that moment was when I decided it would be an early night. Right from his high chair after dinner, he went straight into the bath where he then insisted on standing up, and getting mad and yelling every time I told him he had to sit down. He fought like crazy when he had to get his pajamas put on. And now, well he insisted on sitting on my lap and screaming until I would pick him up and put him there. Tonight is a night where I will thank the inventor of TV and Disney for allowing me to have DVRs of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse saved. Today was a day where it was exhausting being a mommy. Although I wouldn't ever even think about trading the job for the world, today was tiring and testing. I have learned the hard way that when it comes to parenting, there will be battles that you should fight, and battles to just let go. If you fight every little thing, you will be a crazy person! Tonight during dinner I thought to myself "why won't you just eat your green beans? Or your watermelon? Why do you only insist on eating your hamburger that is coated in ketchup?????" and then I reminded myself, this isn't a horrible battle, it isn't going to kill him to only eat his hamburger, and he will be fine. Before I actually became a parent I would tell myself "I won't make three different meals for all of my kids, they will eat healthy, there will be no "ifs, ands, or buts" about it. But tonight, I let go of the battle. It just wasn't worth it today. Maybe tomorrow will be different. Maybe tomorrow he will want to eat the good foods, but today just isn't that day. Now, when he refused to sit down in the bath tub, that was a battle he would not win. We must of spent a total of 15 minutes, doing the same thing over and over. He would look at me, throw his duck over the bath tub ledge, I would bend over and out it back in, he would stand up on the side of the tub, I would him "No Easton, you need to sit down", he would look at me and yell, and I would sit him back down, and he would cry for 30 seconds of so. And the whole thing would start all over again. He finally got it because he went to stand up, I said "No, sit down" and he looked at me for a second and sat back down and then carried on playing. Not once did he try to do it again. I've learned that repetition works with my child. He gets it, after awhile, I just have to be consistent and patient. Today, there was a lot of consistence and patience. And lots of prayers.

Since I was so sick with that horrible viral infection, I completely lost track of time. I'm already 18 weeks and a couple days along in this pregnancy. It's flying by and I wish the days wouldn't go so fast, but they are. My mom and I went to a wedding shower this past Sunday for my cousin and the food was delicious. It was one of the first times where I really had a full appetite and I actually ate like a pregnant girl. I've continuously lost some weight from the beginning this time around, just like I had with Easton, but in my first pregnancy I had gained it all back by now. I'm not quite there yet because the infection really took its toll on me and I ended up in the hospital because I couldn't keep anything down and I was so dehydrated. But if my appetite stays the way it was on Sunday, I should be in good shape. Here's a pregnancy update:
18 weeks, 2 days
This dress is so comfy and soft, and fits great! I love it so much I just might go back and get a couple more in different colors for this summer! A pregnancy must have!!!

How far along? 18 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm still down a couple pounds but my appetite is back in full swing so that should change soon.
Maternity clothes? A couple shirts and a dress! My normal pants and yogas are still good though!
Stretch marks? Only the ones I have from before.
Sleep: It's getting harder and harder to get comfortable and I've noticed I'm getting up more often to go pee.
Best moment this week: When Easton fell asleep on my stomach.

Miss Anything? A spiked lemonade sounds pretty good with spring approaching, but that won't happen for awhile.
Movement: Oh yeah, especially when I lay down for bed at night.
Food cravings: Pasta, pasta, and more pasta this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: Unknown.

Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Last weekend I had a couple braxton hicks that we're no fun at all.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy now that this cold is over with.
Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a boy or girl in two short weeks!

Since I will be a mommy of two under two, there are a couple of things we will be changing. Summer is approaching, which means lots of exercising, playing at the park, outside activities, and the zoo!!! Since we are constantly on the go, and my stroller is my life savor right now, I know a double stroller will be a necessity with baby number two; as well as an upgrade on our diaper bag. I think I must of looked up strollers online at least once a day for the past couple of weeks, but I just can't decided. Do we want a front-to-back or side-by-side? What are some things that are a must have in a double stroller? What should I expect out of them? And the same with a diaper bag? I use my diaper bag all the time, still, with Easton. The last thing I want to do is carry around 2 diaper bags so I know I will need to upgrade to a bigger one so I can fit everything for both little ones into it. What's the best one? What brand? What should it include? I'm just so lost. For all of you moms of two or more little ones, what kind of stroller do you use? Diaper bag? Any advice? Have you found one you absolutely love and couldn't go without? Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated! You can leave it in a comment below or feel free to contact me on here or on my facebook if you'd like!!! Coming up soon here I will definitely be doing some reviews on baby products, so keep watch!


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