
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby Andrews #2 - Weeks 15/16

Hey there!
Last week I was pretty sick with a horrible cold that hit our house and not only knocked myself out, but it took Jake and Easton out for a couple of days as well. My dad got lucky and was the only one who didn't get it, but the rest of us were pretty rough so I didn't do my weekly pregnancy post. I'm not going to fill out two different questionnaires, I'll just do one combined. This past week I have been feeling a lot of movement! YAY! We had a doctors visit at the beginning of this past week and everything looks good. Babies little heart beat is coming in strong at 154 beats per minute. We couldn't get an ultrasound yet to check the gender, but we did schedule it for April 8th! It seems like forever away but I know it will go by fast. I have to get some blood work done this upcoming week so hopefully that comes back fine. I have been feeling sick randomly this past week, and of course, I started feeling nauseous about an hour ago and it still hasn't gone away. This pregnancy has been completely different from when I was pregnant with Easton, which has lead me to believe that this time around it may be a girl. Jake has a "gut feeling" it's a girl too and he's even had a dream that it was a girl. But, who knows, every single pregnancy is different and either way, we will adore and love this baby that God has gifted us with. 4 months down, and a long hot summer to go! I don't have any good pictures because I've been feeling so yucky and, well, they wouldn't be flattering at all lol.

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm still down 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I've gained 2 pounds since my last visit so we're slowly making progress.
Maternity clothes? I've been wearing some of my maternity shirts from before because it seems like my stomach is growing twice as fast as everything else. But all of my usual pants and jeans fit just fine.
Stretch marks? None yet, and I'm still doing my daily cocoa butter and bioskin oil treatments.
Sleep: It might be time to get a pregnancy pillow soon because I can't seem to get comfortable or stay comfortable at night. I used one of my friends last time because I didn't want to spend all of the money on one if I wasn't going to like it. This time around I think I'll buy one and I'm sure it will be totally worth it!
Best moment this week: When we had discussions about baby names! So exciting!

Miss Anything? Spicy foods! I used to have a high tolerance for spice, but this time around, baby isn't having it. I can't even eat Mild wings from Buffalo Wild Wings :(
Movement: It's like there's a circus going on in there!
Food cravings: Jake had to go to the store to get me not one, but two boxes of Choco Tacos this week. None of them are left. Whoops!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anything particular, but a lot more sick feelings this week then the past couple of weeks.
Gender: Not sure, but I have a weird feeling there's a mini-me in there!

Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Yucky feeling. If this snow would melt and it would warm up, that might make me feel better ;)
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Because I'm happy; clap along if you feel like there's a baby in your belly!
Looking forward to: Finding out if I can unpack all of Easton's baby clothes, or if our budget is going to take a hit with all the new pink and cheetah print stuff I'm going to just haveeeeeeee to buy!


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