
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Spending 1-on-1 With Your Kids

When I was pregnant with our second child, I swore up and down that each week I would do one-on-one dates with of our children. Of course I wanted us to have family times and those memories, but I also knew how important it was for each child to get that special one-on-one time with both Mom and Dad, and each individually. Selfishly, I wanted to have extra special moments with my kids that were all to myself. But, then our son was born and the chaos and hustle-and-bustle of having two children under two set in. You moms of multiple children know what I'm talking about. And if your a stay at home mom, you know exactly how I felt. You're being pulled in way too many directions to count. One needs to be nursed and the other is having an episode because you skipped a page when reading a book.  The laundry piles keep growing and you have to make dinner, even though you still have to go grocery shopping. And when you have a "moment", you try to squeeze in a shower or use the bathroom by yourself or finally watching that episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that recorded months ago and you still haven't gotten around to watching it. And finding time to do things one-on-one can be really tricky if your kids are like mine and, for the majority, go down for naps together and sleep at the same time. 

I get it. Life gets hectic. And excuses are just that - excuses. I had this vision of how life would go with two. Was it everything I imagined? H-E- double hockey sticks - NO. Is it more beautiful than I could of ever imagined? Forever and ever YES. 

Now that I've finally got most of it figured out (when you have kids, I don't think you ever figure it all out), I am trying to make it more of a point to have these moments with my boys. Why? Because they matter. And if you think they don't; you're wrong. There is a window of opportunity a parent has to be present in their child's life to really make an impact. And that moment is now. Your children will come to you for everything; to learn, for guidance, to teach them right from wrong, to accept them, for love and approval. When my three year old comes up and shows me how he "flies" his plane for the 9847376390th time, and I cheer and clap my hands and burst with excitement, I can see in his eyes how he feels. He feels cool, and accepted, and right. That says something. That MEANS something. 

Today, the weather in Michigan was beautiful. The sun was shining, there was a slight breeze, and it was a warm one, with the temps running in the 80s. We spent all morning at the pediatricians with McKinley and right when we got done, we picked up my dad and he had a doctors appointment. We grabbed a quick lunch on the way; Tubby's - a Michigan classic. When we got there, I realized Mick was sleeping so I opted to stay out in the car and my dad headed inside. I parked the car at the edge of the parking lot and opened up the trunk. I have an SUV and when the third row is down, we have quite a bit of room back there. I unbuckled Easton, took him in the back, grabbed our lunch on the go, and  and enjoyed a picnic date with him in the trunk. It was the best! He loved looking at the "cool cars" driving through the parking lot and the birds flying back and forth from the nearby trees to the ground. I pulled out our "restaurant reserved" toys and played with them. We laughed and "talked" and I learned so much from my son in those moments. I could see how happy he was just to have me there, and my undivided attention. I saw first-hand how much he has been improving and how much he's grown. Today was special and I am SO thankful for our time together. 


Today, I encourage you to FIND time. MAKE time. STOP making excuses. You don't "need" to take a shower right this moment. It can wait. The laundry doesn't HAVE to be done, stay up an hour later and do it then. Our children are only young once and we only have them at this little stage for a short amount of time. Just like everyone says, someday we will miss these times, so make the most of it! 

With encouragement and love!
- Christine 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

To ALL Moms on Mothers Day (Yes, Even You....)

There has always been one thing in my life that I've been completely, positively, sure of - and that's being a mom. I knew that if there was one thing I was meant to to be, it was a mom. And I've been lucky and blessed enough to be a mom of two. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, my life changed completely. The love I had for someone whom I've never even met was unexplainable. My whole pregnant, I longed for the day that I would hold my baby in my arms. When I was in labor and things started to go downhill, I prayed like never before to my God and begged him to let this baby be okay. From the second that I laid eyes on my son, my heart grew times a million. And when we found out we were expecting our second baby, I was terrified. How could I possibly love another being more than I love my son? But I was wrong. When I saw him, my heart hurt from how much love was pouring out of it. And when I saw my oldest son meet the baby for the first time, the pure joy on his face and the shimmer in his eyes, is a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life. Mothers Day will always be special to me. It's a reminder that no matter where life takes me, my biggest dream has already come true. I'm a mom to two beautiful little boys, and for that, I will always be grateful.

A mom doesn't always look the same to some as to others. A mom could be a grandma, an aunt, a sister, a friend, a mentor, a teacher, a dad, and so many other things. And sometimes, Mom's don't get enough credit. So here we are, on Mothers Day. And here I am, writing to all of you Mom's out there.

To the pregnant Mom:
You're first official-yet-unofficial Mothers day with that tiny, little peanut inside of you. Cherish those fluttery butterfly movements inside of you. When the mornings are nauseating and the nights are almost unbearable, just remind yourself that these moments won't last forever. There will come a time where you will miss feeling all of these different ways. But don't rush that little bundle of joy out just yet. Enjoy the chaos right now, and give yourself a huge pat on the back for growing a human being inside of you! It's a beautiful, terrifying, wondrous, indescribable thing that you are doing and you are doing great!

To the Mom who is experiencing her first Mother's Day holding her baby in her arms:
Whether your little one is still tiny and sleeping most of the time, or you have one crawling around on the floor or maybe even walking, today is your day. That little miracle, you made! And even though the days may be exhausting, and the nights may be long, they only stay this tiny for such a short amount of time. So embarrass the moments when food is shot across the room, puke ends up on your favorite shirt, or you hear the beautiful sounds of giggles for the very first time. You only get one FIRST Mothers day, so make this one extra special with extra snuggles.

To the Mom of a toddler:
From one toddler mom to another - you are surviving and right now, that's ALL that matters. These years are tough, I tell ya. But between the tantrums and the tears, you will catch a glimpse of pure love and gratitude and a sweet taste of kindness that makes it all worth it. They will share a teddy gram with you or bring you a book to read to them. And no matter what you are doing in that moment, STOP what you are doing and truly give them your attention. These years are crucial and so important and right now, you might not seem like their whole world, but you are! (And if you are anything like me, you've probably been working on some type of arts and crafts project for the past three days that was making you want to rip your hair out, but when it's all said and done, it actually looks somewhat decent. You got this, even if your project isn't as Pinterest worthy as you were hoping!)

To the Mom of the grand-school kid:
These are the fun years. Truly they are. When your child can acknowledge what this holiday even is, when they can pick out a gift they specifically want to get you (even when it is nothing you would ever pick out yourself), when they can bring you their version of breakfast in bed or pick flowers from the old ladies garden next door. You're probably the cool mom who will take them out for ice cream when their friends are over, or let them stay up a half hour later on the weekends. Between shuffling from work or PTA meetings, to dance class or football practice, going to games all day long on the weekends, and somehow still managing to cook meals, do laundry, clean the house, and look good doing it - you are super mom! Give yourself a pat on the back, go buy yourself a latte from Starbucks and sneak in a quiet, peaceful trip to Home Goods all by yourself. You deserve it!

To the Mom of the High Schooler:
Just keep breathing, breathing, breathing. Attitudes are at an all time high. "You're always wrong and their always right. You're never fair. You're the worst ever." I get it. I was that (horrible) teenager at times too. But boy, are they wrong. It's really easy to get really frustrated and have zero patience; but somehow you manage. She has to have her nails done for her birthday - you pick her AND her friends up from school and take them. Oh, and you even sit a couple chairs away so they can act like they came all by themselves because, I mean, who would ever want to go get their nails done with their mom? Yuck. And he needs you to go to the store RIGHT now because he forgot that tomorrow is their anniversary and if he doesn't get her the best gift ever, she'll dump him - so you drop what you're doing, grab your keys, take him to 4 different stores to get the best gift ever, and you even end up paying for it - even if he has a job. Sometimes you feel like you're doing it all wrong. And then you're out in public and you watch your son run over to an elderly lady in a parking lot and he loads her groceries for her. Or you watch your daughter, who is sitting on the couch comforting her best friend who just got dumped - "by like the worst guy ever" - and you hear the comforting and reassuring words she is telling her and how she is trying to make it all okay again. Those are the moments where you are reminded that you ARE doing things right. You are raising strong, kind, loving, generous, giving human beings with hearts of pure gold. And that, my friend, is the best kind of gift you could ever get!

To the Mom who's at home for the first time alone, because her "baby" is now away at College; and to all the other Mom's who's children have moved out:
Everyone reminded you that the time will go by in a blink of an eye, and now here you are. But it's okay. Yes, this is a new chapter, but a chapter you deserve! Time to focus on you. You have spent A LOT of years catering to little ones, and now it's time to put that much work into you. ENJOY your new found "time". Go to the salon and pamper yourself. Join on yoga or zumba class, or maybe get a membership at your local gym. Go to that cool "paint and pour" class that you keep hearing about from your friends, or maybe call up those friends and head to the winery. Take a trip with your husband (he is the only kid you are still fully responsible of - wink wink!) and enjoy his company. Read a book on the back porch - uninterrupted. Make whatever meal you want instead of following the weekly meal-plan calendar - or better yet, go out to your favorite restaurant. It's time to start thanking yourself for all of those hard working years. And don't worry, they'll still call and visit all the time anyways.

To the Mom who's "baby" just had a "baby" and now Mom isn't your name - it's Grandma!:
You never thought you could love someone as much as you loved your child, right? And then you held that little baby in your arms and you knew you were wrong. It's felt like your heart has grown by a million, hasn't it? That little baby has given you a new, fresh look at life. You feel young again. You feel alive! And remember when you thought they didn't need you anymore? Well weren't you wrong. Now they won't stop calling; asking you to come over so they can get a couple hours of sleep, asking why that baby is making these weird sounds. "Hey, is it normal for the diaper to look like this?" It's not that they didn't need you before, but it is comforting to know how much they need you now, right? And now you have the best job of all! You get to love this little bundle of joy unconditionally, and when it starts crying, you get to hand it over. Perfect! I bet after a couple days of hearing baby cries, you are finding comfort in the silence of your home. Grandma, good job! You will soon be the superhero, and the only person in the world who will never say NO! 

And now.... on to the harder ones....

To the girl who lost her Mom:
Today hurts. It's painful and reminding and just plain dumb. But today isn't the day to be sad. Today is the day to remember everything amazing about your beautiful mother. About how she brought you into this world, and about how she loved you since the moment she knew you were inside of her. There will be times in your life that will be hard to go through without her; like your first period, your first love and your first heartbreak, your prom, your high school graduation, your wedding day, or the day you bring your own baby into this world. There is nothing that I can say that will take that feeling of heartbreak away. But you and I both know that your mom wouldn't want you to dwell on things like that. She would want you to enjoy this moments, for yourself and for her. And she would want you to know that she is in your heart, always. 

To the girl who grew up without a Mother because her Mom chose not to be around:
Take a good look at yourself. You have become something, and you did that without her. You didn't need her to hold your hand or tell you how pretty you are. You know what it's like to be hurt, to question things, to wonder why you weren't good enough. But that's not it at all. She wasn't good enough for you. She didn't want to fight for you. She didn't want to try. But you know what? That's not you. No it's not. You are strong. You are brave. You are a fighter. And not because you wanted to be, but because you HAD to be. She doesn't define you. In fact, she doesn't get any credit for you at all. You made something for yourself, for you and for no one else. And that, my love, is a beautiful thing. I KNOW what it's like to feel all of that. But I also know what it's like to know that I did it all for me, and that will always mean more to me than anyone would ever know. And that is how you should feel. Proud of yourself, and all you have done. Because you don't need someone else; all you've ever needed is YOU and YOU will ALWAYS be enough!

To the Mom who lost their child; whether it be living or through pregnancy:
My heart will always break for you. Unfortunately, you have gone through the one thing in this world that every single person wishes they'd never go through. And I am so sorry you had to go through that. But because you have, you know what true strength is. You've picked yourself up out of the darkest place in the world, and you've lived to see the days through. You have shared your stories with others, in hopes that they can relate to you. You've reached out to other Mom's who have gone through or who are going through the same thing. You give them strength and hope and courage. You see the world differently; more beautifully. You notice the wind and how it moves branches on trees, or how the rain falls on the ground and makes it glisten. You appreciate so many things that others take for granted. The days are hard, I could only imagine. And the nights are probably worse. But just because your baby might not be here on Earth, DOES NOT mean that you aren't a mom. You are the strongest mom out there. 

To the girl who wants to be a Mom so badly, but God has different plans for you right now:
I may not be able to relate to you on every single level of this, but I promise you, I can relate. It's one of the hardest things in life to deal with; when you want something so badly that it hurts and yet, it's never close enough to grasp. And it's even harder to be completely surrounded by it. One minute, your in high school talking with all of your friends about the hottest clothing trend. Then, next thing you know, all of your friends are pregnant and talking about the latest baby craze, and your sitting there dying inside because you don't get to share in the glory. This chapter is hard. You often find yourself wondering why. Why can't you get pregnant? Why isn't your body on YOUR team and fighting with you to keep that baby in place, instead of fighting against you? It can be hard to be "happy" for others when you are so hurt inside. But God always has a plan. And it's not our job to always know that plan or the reasonings behind it. This chapter of your life isn't over. You don't have to close the book and call it quits. Your time will come. Just know that it might not be on YOUR time or in the way that YOU imagined it, but I promise, it will be worth all of this. Hang in there.

Happy Mothers Day to ALL of you beautiful souls. You are so special and you are so loved!

From one Mom to another,
- Christine

Recipe: Oven Roasted Potatoes

Carbs and starches tend to be the best part of meals.... and the most unhealthy part of them too. These roasted potatoes are quick and easy to make and even tasty! Plus, you can add or take away the number of potatoes you use depending on how many people you are feeding.

Oven Roasted Potatoes

2 large yellow Potatoes, washed, skins left on
Extra Virgin Olive Oil or your preferred cooking oil
2-3 tablespoons of Italian Seasoning Blend
1 tablespoon of Garlic Powder
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Dice the potatoes into small, bite sized pieces that are all relatively even in size. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray (you can line the baking sheet with aluminum foil first before spraying for a quick clean up). Put diced potatoes onto the baking sheet. Drizzle with cooking oil. Top with italian seasoning blend, garlic powder, and some fresh cracked black pepper. Using your hands or a spoon, toss the potatoes together so everything is incorporated and coated with the oil and seasonings. Spread out the potatoes on the baking sheet so that they evenly disbursed.
Place on the lower rack in the oven and cook for 20 minutes. Take them out and gently toss them, and again, evenly disburse them. Place back in the oven on the higher rack for another 10-15 minutes until they are browned and cooked through.
* A great way to check potatoes is to stick them with a fork. If they go in easily without force and come out easily without force, they are usually done. Also, you could "attempt" to smash one with a fork. If they smash easily, they are done. * Take out of the oven and serve!

If you try this recipe out, be sure to let me know what you think!

Stay healthy!
- Christine

Recipe: Garlic Zucchini & Summer Squash

Last summer, I successfully grew vegetables in our back yard (after trying and failing for 4 years - HA!). I underestimated just how quickly zucchini and summer squash grew and I planted a LOT. So I had to come up with a ton of recipes to use them in. Now that it's winter, I find myself still buying them from the store because they have become a staple in our home. This recipe is so simple and easy and comes together so quickly. Plus, it's a hearty dish so it fills your tummy up quickly.

Garlic Zucchini & Summer Squash


2 Zucchinis, sliced
2 Summer Squashes, sliced
Extra Virgin Olive Oil or your preferred cooking oil
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
3-4 tablespoons Garlic Seasoning Blend (I use the one pictured below because my dad get's it from his Dialysis company for free and it's very flavorful and salt-free which is a plus. McCormick and Kroger Brand both make great garlic seasoning blends. Also, this may seem like a lot of seasoning but I've found that both Zucchini and Summer Squash are pretty bland in flavor and they absorb a lot of the flavoring of what you cook them with. If you are concerned about that amount of seasoning, I would start with 1 tablespoon of seasoning and then taste test it and continue to add seasoning until you are happy with the flavoring).


Make sure your zucchini and summer squash are sliced.
In a large sauté pan (preferably non-stick) heat 2-3 tablespoons of cooking oil over medium-high / high heat. Once the oil is hot, put the sliced zucchini and summer squash in the pan. Cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add in your seasoning and mix thoroughly so that all of the pieces are coated. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
Add in the Worcestershire sauce and stir through. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, until majority of the sauce in the pan is absorbed. Serve!

I have used both of McCormick's brand Barbecue and Mesquite seasonings on these as well and they were SO good. If you end up making the recipe or using another type of seasoning, be sure to let me know what you think!!

Stay healthy!
- Christine

Recipe: Green Beans with Sautéed Mushrooms & Tomatoes

I "invented" this recipe one day by randomly pulling  some ingredients out of my refridgerator and hoping for a miracle. It shockingly came out out delicious and has now been one of my "go-to" side dishes during the week. The best part about this is you can change the portion size to fit your family size or really just kind of wing it! Maybe if try some different veggies in it too! Fresh, healthy ingredients and a super easy recipe makes for one happy Mama!

Fresh Green Beans with Sautéed Mushrooms & Tomatoes


1 pound of Fresh Green Beans, ends trimmed and cut into bite size pieces
1 8 ounce package of Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced
1 dry-pint package of Grape Tomatoes, sliced in half
1/2 cup - 1 cup of Chicken Stock
3 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
2 tablespoons Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon Steak Seasoning (or any type of blended seasoning you might like)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or your preferred cooking oil
Sea Salt, for taste
Fresh Cracked Pepper, for taste


Make sure all of your vegetables are prepared: green beans are trimmed and cut into bite size pieces, mushrooms are sliced and the tomatoes are sliced.
In a large sauté pan (preferably non-stick), put green beans in and just enough chicken stock to coat the bottom. You will be "cooking" the green beans in the chicken stock on medium-high heat, with a slight boil, until they have begin to soften. This usually takes 8-12 minutes.
Once they have softened slightly, remove them from the pan and drain them into a strainer, discarding the used chicken stock.
Return the pan to the stove and place the heat to medium high / high. You want your pan to get nice at hot. Drizzle a couple tablespoons of olive oil into the pan. Once the oil begins to noticably "pop," put your sliced mushrooms and tomatoes into the pan. You will hear a lot of "sizzling" sounds. This is good!! * Note: Mushrooms tend to absorb a lot of liquid so you may need to drizzle more oil on top of them if you think they are beginning to look too dry. *
Season the mushrooms and tomatoes with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Continue to sauté them for 5-7 minutes, until they have began to release liquids and get soft.
Once this happens, add in the green beans. Continue to cook on high heat, stirring occasionally you have noticed majority of the liquid in the pan is gone. The green beans will absorb a lot of the liquid.
Then, add in the Worcestershire sauce, the Soy Sauce and the steak seasoning. Mix well so that everything is incorporated.
Continue cooking for another 5-7 minutes, until the amount of liquid in the pan has reduced significantly. Serve immediately! 

* You can make this side dish ahead of time and keep it warm in the oven on an the warming seating or if you don't have that setting, then on a low heat, like 200 degrees. *

We love this recipe! It's tasty and healthy! Be sure to leave me comments if you try it and let me know what you think, of if you add your own spins to it! Enjoy!!

Stay healthy!
- Christine