
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Big Changes & Exciting News!!! :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

We had such a great day. This morning, I made a huge homemade breakfast complete with fresh strawberry pancakes, bacon and sausage. My mother in law was nice enough to watch Easton this afternoon so Jake and I could have some time as a couple. We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Olive Garden, and we went to see 50 Shades of Grey (which Jake did not want to see but was nice enough to sit through it with me). It was so nice to have time as a couple, to sit at a table and have adult conversations, and laugh a lot. But on the drive home, we both agreed that it was awkward that Easton wasn't with us, and that we are definitely not ready to go on a vacation anytime soon because we would miss him way too much!
This year, Jake got me beautiful flowers and a card that said such nice, sweet things in it. I got him a card and a huge bag filled with all kinds of candies and chocolates and treats that he loves. We got Easton a gift bag filled with toys, gerber cookies, new bath stuff, two new outfits, a balloon (that he LOVES) and a Scentsy stuffed animal pal. We all had such a great Valentine's day. We also got one more gift, which just so happens to be the best gift of all........

We are so beyond happy and thrilled! We had been trying for quite some time, and are so happy that God has blessed us with another wonderful little life! We can't wait for Easton to have a sibling and a new built-in best friend! Our family is expanding and we are to the moon with happiness! Life will have its challenges with having "two-under-two" but we are ready to experience every step of it! We have known for awhile, but decided to wait awhile for the announcement. With Easton, when I found out I was expecting, I calculated myself to be around 8-9 weeks pregnant. When we went for the first ultrasound, nothing was showing and we were told that I most-likely miscarried. This was obviously devastating for us and torn us into pieces. A week later, my friend, who was also a doctor at the place I worked at, told me she wanted to do another ultrasound because she just "had a gut feeling". I was so hesitant to do this, but finally agreed. And sure enough, there was our little baby boy in there, plain as day. We went through a roller coaster of emotions, but in the end, everything was completely worth it. So when we found out this time around, we were quite hesitant and very careful about what we did and who we told. We told our close, immediate family and friends on Christmas, and that was that. Now that we are definitely in the clear, we couldn't be happier to share! As most know, my father lives with us. (He has a lot of health issues, including being legally blind and kidney failure so he is on dialysis three times a week.) Obviously, in our situation, adding another baby in the mix will have its challenges. We already have a toddler sleeping in bed with us, our condo is filling up very fast with toys, and we are running low on space. Although our lease is still for another year and a half, I am going to re-read that contract and look into getting out of it. We definitely need a space upgrade, not only for us, but for the new baby as well, and for my dad. We have two full flights of stairs in our house now, and with someone who is legally blind, this has caused some challenges. It's time to move! Who knows if we will actually move, but we will see what God has in store for us and what his plans are!

With this pregnancy, and since I have a blog this time around, I WILL document it. I wanted to keep a blog when I was pregnant with Easton, but time got the best of me and I didn't. Now that I look back at it, I wish I would have. It's so cool to be able to look back on it, and I can't do that. So this time around I am. So expect some weekly photos and survey updates! Here's some from the beginning:

And here is today at 13 weeks, 1 day:

How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm actually down 10 pounds, but my doctor said this is normal, especially since I lost this much at the beginning with Easton. (I know; impossible to believe since my stomach is already huge!)
Maternity clothes? None yet, but I loveeeee my yoga pants!
Stretch marks? None yet, just the small few left over from Easton. But I've already started with my cocoa butter and my bio-skin.
Sleep: I'm so tired all the time.
Best moment this week: I felt our little one fluttering around inside!

Miss Anything? I would really love a margarita, but it's going to have to wait another year or two.
Movement: flutters every once in awhile, but nothing consistent.
Food cravings: Sweets and fruit. The best: fruits dipped in chocolate. Yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, thankfully that's stopped for now.
Gender: We don't know yet.

Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Overall, feeling pretty good, just very exhausted and tired.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, but my tiredness gets the best of me sometimes.
Looking forward to: Our next appointment that just so happens to be on Jake's birthday. Maybe we will be able to convince our doctor to check up on our little one and see if it's a he or a she!

Keep checking, there will be a lot more posts of our new adventure!

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